Elekta Unity 宣传册

Innovation is at the heart of what we do. It is our pioneering spirit that brought advances, such as SRS, SBRT, IGRT and VMAT to the field of radiation oncology and established them as standards of care in cancer centers around the world. This is where we excel.

Leksell Icon伽玛刀宣传册

Leksell伽马刀诞生半个世纪以来,已有100多万颅脑疾病患者从中受益。Leksell Gamma Knife Icon作为更新进更精准的放射外壳治疗系统,再次实现了Leksell伽马刀里程碑式的飞跃。



Monaco 宣传册

Mon a co使用卷积算法,全面提高三维剂量的计算性能,同 时,Monaco还支持一系列特殊模式和技术,包括楔形板、组织补 偿膜(Bolus)以及电子线蒙特卡洛算法。